Det minsta man kan göra när diktaturer våldför sig på demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter är att uttrycka sitt missnöje med sitt namn på en lista. Dagens dom i Burma fordrar att man reagerar. Droppens envishet kommer en dag att urholka även den mest förhärdade generalskalle en dag.
Klicka på länken nedan och signera.
Dear friends,
Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced today, but it's the Burmese generals who jailed her who have committed the real crimes. Join the call for justice for the Burmese people by signing the petition to put the generals on trial.
Today, the ailing Nobel laureate and democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced to another year and a half in detention by a Burmese kangaroo court.
Suu Kyi's treatment is just the tip of the iceberg of the brutality of the Burmese regime -- spanning 40 years of murder, torture, mass rape, and slave labour.
It's time for the world to put the Burmese generals on trial. Avaaz is launching a call for the UN Security Council to investigate the regime for crimes against humanity -- a judgment of guilt could lead to prosecution of top generals by the International Criminal Court. Click below to join the call and see a mock up of a banner that we plan to drop in front of the UN calling for action:
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